Tuesday, March 11, 2025

GOZR gooz generator

the following is intended to be put into a bookmarklet. I… dunno how to do javascript things otherwise…

The bookmarklet: Make a Gooz (drag it to your bookmarks bar or make a new bookmark and copy the link from it, then edit it into your bookmark). You can test it just by clicking it here too.

It will generate a gooz PC for you. You’ll need James West’s GOZR to like, play the game. I really recommend you get the print version

Anyhoo, test it out, let me know if it works. If you wanna play GOZR, I am running it Fridays (U.S. time) on Discord, so.

If you wanna see the javascript, it's after the jump. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Feats of Hexploration for DCCRPG or other Old School Rigamaroles

I’m still running DCC peons through Tegel Manor, but the usual DCCRPG Experience Point doling is a bit too slow for us, as we only play two to three hours a week. Thus, I’ve added these achievement-based XP rewards.

The game is pretty much RAW, but it doesn’t hurt to add this system a nd some MVP votes on top of it to wrap up the session with the feels goods.

If you want more ideas, try out Arduin XP, which I posted about here.


  • Roleplayed being the leader well (like used an in-character tone to give orders to other PCs): 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Dutiful doorman or scout or both: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Risked self to help another: 10×LVLextra XP.

  • Someone died: 5×LVL extra XP to everyone.

  • Damn fine roleplaying (only the Judge can say this one was done): 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Got a killing blow: 5×LVL extra XP or 15×LVL XP extra XP if it was a crit.

  • Can claim you did a deed never seen in the campaign: 20×LVL extra XP.

  • Have a prime ability score of 15 or higher (for instance, a Warrior needs high STR or DEX): 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Found one or more treasures: 5×LVL extra XP for everyone.

  • Figured out a puzzle or riddle: 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Found and took a secret door or passage: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Made a very foolish choice or plan: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Friendly fired (spell misfired fits here): 5×LVL extra XP to you and the person you shot.

  • Forwent a thief skill roll and figured out a trap the old fashioned way: 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Went down to 1HP but no lower: 5×LVL extra XP or 10 ×LVL if you had to be rolled over and lost a point of ability score.

  • The party would have been cooked if it wasn’t for your action: : 20×LVL extra XP.

  • Spellburned: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Got downed (0HP), corrupted, disapproved, cursed, or mutated (permanent potions and spell effects count): 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Found a magic item and used or donned it: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Came back after successfully attempting a long-ass casting time spell: 5+spell level×LVL extra XP.

  • Defeated a worthy foe mano a mano: : 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Cast a spell reversed or in a novel manor: : 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Kept an oath despite great temptation or peril: : 10×LVL extra XP.

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rolling all saves to escape the megadungeon (DCC or any other three-saves D&D)

If you end the session still in the megadungeon, as opposed to civilization,  roll a single d20 + your Fort, Dex, and Will separately. For instance, if you roll an 11 and have  Fort+1, Dex-1, Will+3, you end up with 12, 10, and 14.

Of course you may burn Luck on this roll.

There will be a DC set by the game judge. An easy way for them to set it is to make the DC be 10+dungeon level*. Any of the three numbers you rolled that failed to meet this DC spell out your travails as you try to leave.

  • Failed Fort? d6 exploding damage; you may die on your way out.
  • Failed Ref? Lost an important item somewhere in the dungeon; 10% chance it is in a given area you visit next time.
  • Failed Will? You are lost in the dungeon! There is a 10% chance per area entered that another party finds your PC. If you aren't found in a number of sessions equal to your level you are lost forever!

Failures are cumulative, so if you failed Fort and Will and were found, you would be d6 or more damage down and maybe they find your moldering corpse. If you were a baddie, you definitely are an undead thing that needs to be put down.

Monday, February 3, 2025

A DCC way to do random encounters

You enter a few spaces, take some time searching for secret doors, or make a lotta noise busting down a door. Time to make a check, but you are playing DCC, so let's put some mustard on that check.

Game judge, ask the Luck score of the PC that made that choice (go for the lowest luck if multiple people are about to find out).

I just found this image on Twitter but I couldn't get it. Anyone please  explain it to me? Thanks. : r/EnglishLearning

Roll a d20. This is one of the times you are allowed to roll secretly in DCC, but you must swear to Bobugbubilz that you will not fudge the results unless things are getting boring. If it rolled that PC's Luck or less, frown, ask if they have gloves or if their mother is still alive or if they brushed their teeth this morning, but there is no random encounter.

Maybe throw spoor at the PCs if the roll just squeaked by.

If it failed, there will be an encounter (or anything else from hunger to lantern oil being used up). If you think the party is getting desperate, maybe say, "Would you like to burn some luck?"

Can they know how much? Nope. If they opt in, they have to pay the difference between the roll and their Luck score, but the bad thing does not happen. This time.

If they roll a natural 20, bring out something that could really wreck their shit. It won't necessarily want to kill them (what care have giants for ants?), but say the immortal words, "Roll for initiative."


I've made this post in anticipation of venturing into Tegel Manor once again using DCC RAW. Would you like to join the dead? Click on this link to Dungeoncrawlers Discord, which expires in seven days.
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Rhyming Boxed Text

Remember when Homer fought the giant spider?

Some people hate boxed text, and others find it useful (I met one of my players when they reached out to complain Wizardarium had no boxes). Others point out that many players zone out when they hear the boxed speech starting.

What if we could spice it up in a fun way that everyone likes? Rhyming room descriptions! I think they're neat.

I'm currently running the Dragon Magazine version of The Dancing Hut (Baba Yaga). What could I say about the first room?

Tho it appears to an old woman's hovel be
It is filled with an air of mystery.

On the rude table flickering weakly
A lantern is set to help you see

The floor is of beaten earth
Six timber walls give small berth

In one corner of this small hexagon
be a basin under a table, no dinner, just the lamp, thereupon

A wood burning stove with chimney rising to the room's center
And a straw mattress with a worn quilt o'er 'er.

There is a door standing opposite... here and there a bit of brick-a-brack:
Pegs, shelves, boxes, combs, and sewing supplies... dare you enter, or go you back?
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.