You enter a few spaces, take some time searching for secret doors, or make a lotta noise busting down a door. Time to make a check, but you are playing DCC, so let's put some mustard on that check.
Game judge, ask the Luck score of the PC that made that choice (go for the lowest luck if multiple people are about to find out).

Roll a d20. This is one of the times you are allowed to roll secretly in DCC, but you must swear to Bobugbubilz that you will not fudge the results unless things are getting boring. If it rolled that PC's Luck or less, frown, ask if they have gloves or if their mother is still alive or if they brushed their teeth this morning, but there is no random encounter.
Maybe throw spoor at the PCs if the roll just squeaked by.
If it failed, there will be an encounter (or anything else from hunger to lantern oil being used up). If you think the party is getting desperate, maybe say, "Would you like to burn some luck?"
Can they know how much? Nope. If they opt in, they have to pay the difference between the roll and their Luck score, but the bad thing does not happen. This time.
If they roll a natural 20, bring out something that could really wreck their shit. It won't necessarily want to kill them (what care have giants for ants?), but say the immortal words, "Roll for initiative."
I've made this post in anticipation of venturing into Tegel Manor once again using DCC RAW. Would you like to join the dead? Click on this link to Dungeoncrawlers Discord, which expires in seven days.
Share good posts with good goblins.
Claytonian at the gmails.