Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rolling all saves to escape the megadungeon (DCC or any other three-saves D&D)

If you end the session still in the megadungeon, as opposed to civilization,  roll a single d20 + your Fort, Dex, and Will separately. For instance, if you roll an 11 and have  Fort+1, Dex-1, Will+3, you end up with 12, 10, and 14.

Of course you may burn Luck on this roll.

There will be a DC set by the game judge. An easy way for them to set it is to make the DC be 10+dungeon level*. Any of the three numbers you rolled that failed to meet this DC spell out your travails as you try to leave.

  • Failed Fort? d6 exploding damage; you may die on your way out.
  • Failed Ref? Lost an important item somewhere in the dungeon; 10% chance it is in a given area you visit next time.
  • Failed Will? You are lost in the dungeon! There is a 10% chance per area entered that another party finds your PC. If you aren't found in a number of sessions equal to your level you are lost forever!

Failures are cumulative, so if you failed Fort and Will and were found, you would be d6 or more damage down and maybe they find your moldering corpse. If you were a baddie, you definitely are an undead thing that needs to be put down.

*:I'll have to think about this when running Tegel, is it following the deeper/higher equals more difficult model? Comment if you have an opinion.

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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