Friday, December 27, 2024

A List of Dungeon-world Style Bonds I’ve been needing

I like the bonds in DW, even if I rarely play that one. I never seem to have them at hand, so Imma blog my own version and bookmark it. Also, it’s a d12 list. The best kind of list in the OSR.

  1. BLANK has stolen something and they think they got away with it.
  2. BLANK is a figure of the prophesy. The signs are all there, right down to their birthmark.
  3. In a pinch, BLANK can/cannot be relied on to save my hide.
  4. BLANK is a great big phony! 
  5. BLANK is burdened by their past; but I know the way to cheer them up.
  6. BLANK is like a bull in a pottery shop. 
  7. The wisdom of BLANK is rivaled only by their QUALITY.
  8. I need to protect BLANK because REASON.
  9. BLANK matches the description of the guy that shot my pa…
  10. It’s easy to seduce BLANK, so I’mma keep an eye on them.
  11. BLANK is a bully… and I hang out with them. What does that make me?
  12. I’ll never doubt BLANK after THE INCIDENT.
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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