I’m pretty particular when it comes to the demihumans of my world, but besides that, I think maybe my group could really get into the game setting and roleplaying mindset if they had a hand in describing some of the other features and rumors of it. So here’s what I’m gonna try:
At game start, I recap the last session with Spencer Crittenden music. Then I pose a question such as:
- What dangers await in the purple hills?
- What factions vie for control of the wastes?
- It is said that a miracle occurred in Gropecuntelane. What is it?
I do not ask any one person in particular. I tell the group to think for just a second, while I have them roll initiative. The person at the top of initiative gets the first game turn, which consists of them saying something their character heard, and how they heard it--if they want. The second person does this as well, spouting their own take on the answer. After these two, I then ask if anyone heard a different tale or rumor about the thing.
That’s it, that’s the process. I as the GM have to decide which answer is true, if any of them are, and to what degree. If I’m not sure, I could consult a die to see which is the rumor I want to focus on and its veracity. d6: 1) this answer is spot on, 2~5) this answer is somewhat true, 6) this answer is ironically quite false.
Those cheesy scripts that started WEG Star Wars modules? That was the only time I got a certain player to speak in any sort of accent or funny voice. Those things may bear some revisiting by GMs and designers.
Those cheesy scripts that started WEG Star Wars modules? That was the only time I got a certain player to speak in any sort of accent or funny voice. Those things may bear some revisiting by GMs and designers.
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.
I like this, think I am going to borrow it!