Tuesday, August 13, 2024

HP Burn

Almost all games I run now use HP burn.

Sacrifice a couple HP to raise (or lower) the results of one of your rolls. Will that burn come back to bite you? Maybe! Risk vs Reward, baby!

HP works well as a meta-resource like Luck or bennies. After all, it doesn't make much sense as Health or Hit Points when you really look at it, but feels perfect as Hit Protection or Heroic Perserverance.

So what if a PC burns down to 0HP? Well, I'm also a fan of ill-advisedly fighting on when you should give up. I didn't hear no bell!  

If using CON or STR score as true health, HP burn works great. If using something like 5e Deeandy on Dragonbane, consider letting the PC fight while making death saves, but no more burn. If using VtM, I am really confused how you are burning HP...

Try it in your next game. Crom!

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.


thekelvingreen said...

This is a great idea. I will definitely use it.

Jensan said...

Simple and elegant, fun idea!

Lum said...

How do you do HP recovery?

Claytonian said...

The usual way as per the RPG's rules