- Oxen which are cross-bred with Gorgons.
- Small lizards which are able to breath fire.
- Creatures which grow to huge size if approached too closely.
- Animals which turn to some horrid monster if touched.
- A giant with faces or multiple heads which can never be surprised, and with four additional eyes is able to see invisible and hidden objects and co-ordinate no less than two attacks per melee round.
- Giants known as "Rock Giants" which so closely resemble stone that they can be detected seldom (1 in 12 is a good percentage).
- Fire-resistant mummies. Many players will get used to frying these monsters with oil. But watch the fun when they run into one of these critters!
- Skeletons who are able to hurl their finger joints as if they were magic arrows.
- Monsters which are in endless supply due to a magical point of origin. "Greyhawk" had a fountain on its second level which issued endless numbers of snakes.
- Containers which are filled with a gas or liquid which turns into a monster if the gas or liquid is dispensed.
- A Medusa riding a Gorgon.
- A Medusa who has a pet Basilisk and a pet Cockatrice.
- A Balrog riding a Red Dragon.
- A Balrog with Salamanders as servants.
- A Balrog with a pet fire-breathing Hydra.
- A Frost Giant riding a White Dragon.
- A Troll with a magic spear riding a Purple Worm.
- A Lord with magical arms and armor riding a Wyvern.
- An Ogre-Mage mounted upon a Manticore.
- An Evil High Priest riding a Chimera.
- Hero/Warlock Elves mounted upon Lammasu.
- Thieves with Bugbear guards.
- A Cloud Giant riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
- A Wizard with a pack of Hell Hounds.
- Mars mounted upon Talos' shoulders.
- An Ogre Jelly monster which appears to be a mere Ogre, but. . .
- A Snake which is actually Grey Oooze.
- A Giant Spider-like Black Pudding.
- A Symbiotic Dragon which spits Ochre Jelly, Black Pudding, etc.
- A seemingly Golden Dragon which is actually mobile Yellow mold.

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