Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Feats of Hexploration for DCCRPG or other Old School Rigamaroles

I’m still running DCC peons through Tegel Manor, but the usual DCCRPG Experience Point doling is a bit too slow for us, as we only play two to three hours a week. Thus, I’ve added these achievement-based XP rewards.

The game is pretty much RAW, but it doesn’t hurt to add this system a nd some MVP votes on top of it to wrap up the session with the feels goods.

If you want more ideas, try out Arduin XP, which I posted about here.


  • Roleplayed being the leader well (like used an in-character tone to give orders to other PCs): 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Dutiful doorman or scout or both: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Risked self to help another: 10×LVLextra XP.

  • Someone died: 5×LVL extra XP to everyone.

  • Damn fine roleplaying (only the Judge can say this one was done): 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Got a killing blow: 5×LVL extra XP or 15×LVL XP extra XP if it was a crit.

  • Can claim you did a deed never seen in the campaign: 20×LVL extra XP.

  • Have a prime ability score of 15 or higher (for instance, a Warrior needs high STR or DEX): 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Found one or more treasures: 5×LVL extra XP for everyone.

  • Figured out a puzzle or riddle: 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Found and took a secret door or passage: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Made a very foolish choice or plan: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Friendly fired (spell misfired fits here): 5×LVL extra XP to you and the person you shot.

  • Forwent a thief skill roll and figured out a trap the old fashioned way: 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Went down to 1HP but no lower: 5×LVL extra XP or 10 ×LVL if you had to be rolled over and lost a point of ability score.

  • The party would have been cooked if it wasn’t for your action: : 20×LVL extra XP.

  • Spellburned: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Got downed (0HP), corrupted, disapproved, cursed, or mutated (permanent potions and spell effects count): 10×LVL extra XP.

  • Found a magic item and used or donned it: 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Came back after successfully attempting a long-ass casting time spell: 5+spell level×LVL extra XP.

  • Defeated a worthy foe mano a mano: : 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Cast a spell reversed or in a novel manor: : 5×LVL extra XP.

  • Kept an oath despite great temptation or peril: : 10×LVL extra XP.

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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