(note that this post won't look good on mobile)
First, roll a d5 for location where this dude kept their good stuff: 1) Purse, 2) inner vest pocket, 3) Boot, 4) Hat, 5) Britches.
Second, roll a brace of sixers. I have some sub-tables for the items marked with *.
11 1d4 rations 21 a statuette* 31 a fan with a gang symbol*
12 twelve copper* 22 a bonito log 32 a very small "shower" spell scroll
13 thirteen copper* 23 a lump of purest green 33 someone (known)'s undies
14 ten copper, one silver* 24 a robot's battery 34 an I.O.U. from "Big Paula"
15 two silver* 25 a map to a dungeon 35 a deed to Tegel Manor
16 five gold* 26 a tijuana bible 36 scrip: a demon's secret name
41 an ear and a lizard 51 faerie in a jar 61 letter from this dude's love
42 a wand (might backfire) 52 oil lamp (empty) 62 intercepted scandalous missive
43 a hymnal 53 jewelry* 63 note on where a cult is meeting next
44 a kung-fu manual 54 a key 64 a monogrammed handkerchief
45 a prophylactic 55 a court summons 65 letter written in PCs own hand?!
46 Matyroshka dolls 56 spool of thread 66 last will & testament of "Bad Bob"

Coinage sub-table (1d7): 1) shmeckles, 2) CHUD currency, 3) devil lucre (sabbat franca), 4) obols (good for deals with Charon, so maybe leave a couple for this poor stiff?), 5) coin of the next realm over, 6) coins from the future, where one of the PC's royal visage has been minted, 7) 1990s USA currency
Statuettes sub-table (1d8): 1) cat god; 2) unknown woman; 3) eldritch entity (sanity check!); 4) a member amongst the PCs!; 5) an unknown gods god, preferably a known one; 6) a pontif; 7) a king, 8) duck on top, key on bottom
Statuettes sub-sub-table of materials (d10): 1) dolomite, 2) gold, 3) pewter, 4) lead, 5) wood, 6) crudely carved wood, 7) wax, 8) copper, 9) brass, 10) melted coins
Jewelry sub-table (1d12)(roll a d6×10×[danger of acquisition to find] monetary value): 1) earring, 2) earrings, 3) eye-patch, 4) nose-ring, 5) necklace, 6) torque, 7) diadem, 8) sheriff's badge, 9) rapper's grill, 10) blinged knuckle-dusters, 11) codpiece, 12) a band (a ring).
Hey, maybe the players discover something before they even get to that pocket.
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.
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