Thursday, October 3, 2024

d66 Random Dungeon Generation

If, when rolling the dice, you need some shapes, take cues from the dicd you rolled. 1s can be long, 2s can be symmetrical, threes can be round, &c. You could even use the numeral shapes themselves. Doors can often be placed by feels alone. 

11 Corridor, ending in a door.
12  Corridor, doors on both sides.
13  Corridor, dead end.
14  Corridor, leads to cruciform intersection.
15  Shaft down. Corridor with secret door it that is too soon.
16  Shaft up.

21 Teleporter room, altar to the god of dungeons.
22 Teleporter room, trap (sigils lead to other sigils).
23 Teleporter room, magic mirrors.
24 Empty room, dead end.
25 Occupied room, dead end.
26 One-way path such as a drop, turn-style, crumbling Moria pillars, &c.

31 Same as whatever the last roll was, but also with a small shrine.
32 Same as the last roll, but also trapped.
33 Same as the last roll, but there is a secret passage.
34 Same as the last roll, but occupied by a treasure-guardian.
35 Same as the last roll, but the floor or ceiling has given way.
36 Same as the last roll, doubled.

41 Cavern, small. Next four things are also cave system.
42 Series of small caves and grottos.
43 Underground river, lake, or sea. 5 places to go around it.
44 Path carved by the god of the underworld.
45 Purple worm tunnels. Walk without rhythm. 
46 Bug tunnels. Some bugs are smart. Some are humanoid.

51 Stairs up.
52 Stairs down.
53 Ramp up.
54 Slope down.
55 Elevator.
56 Wind or pheumatics. 

61 Fortified area such as a fort or castle.
62 Fane.
63 Cluster of 5 rooms occupied by a faction.
64 Catacombs.
65 Under-jungle (usually fungal).
66 Dragon complex.
Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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