Saturday, March 15, 2025

GOZR roll20 macros

If there were any fumbles, crits, or explosions,
the rolls would be highlighted.

Here are a few macros we used during a recent GOZR game. Basically, they do the math for you you. You can see at a glance how much you exceeded your AC by and then add it to your damage. If you fail to defend yourself the Gooz Master can see how much you failed by and add that to their damage dice. Easy peasy.

You'll need the attributes name, Prowess, WEAP,  Magic, and Cunning on your sheet to use the macros.


&{template:default} {{name=Prowess Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Prowess}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}} {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}} {{dmg=[[@{WEAP}]]  plus margin of success (min 1)}}


&{template:default} {{name=Magic Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Magic}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}}  {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}}

&{template:default} {{name=Cunning Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Cunning}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}}  {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}}

Finally, I used the below macro to roll initiative each round as well as monster threats. In retrospect, I think I'd like to have the threat dice be a roll query and input it myself each time.
&{template:default} {{name=round ?{what round} starts}} {{initiative die=[[d6]] (on a one to three, the monsters go first)}} {{spend  gooz?= you can seize the initiative, personally}} {{threat dice=d3[[d3]][[d3]][[d3]] d4[[d4]][[d4]][[d4]] d6[[d6]][[d6]][[d6]] d8[[d8]][[d8]][[d8]] d10[[d10]][[d10]][[d10]] d12[[d12]][[d12]][[d12]] }} {{monsters losing? = Morale roll [[1t[monsterMorale]]] }}

Share good posts with good goblins. Claytonian at the gmails.

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