![]() |
If there were any fumbles, crits, or explosions, the rolls would be highlighted. |
You'll need the attributes name, Prowess, WEAP, Magic, and Cunning on your sheet to use the macros.
&{template:default} {{name=Prowess Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Prowess}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}} {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}} {{dmg=[[@{WEAP}]] plus margin of success (min 1)}}
&{template:default} {{name=Magic Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Magic}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}} {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}}
&{template:default} {{name=Cunning Roll by @{name}}} {{Roll=[[1d20+?{Modifier|0}-@{Cunning}]], success if 0 or more, solid hit if 5 or more, graze if exactly -1}} {{oh shit=you can spend a gooz to pass a roll}}
Finally, I used the below macro to roll initiative each round as well as monster threats. In retrospect, I think I'd like to have the threat dice be a roll query and input it myself each time.
&{template:default} {{name=round ?{what round} starts}} {{initiative die=[[d6]] (on a one to three, the monsters go first)}} {{spend gooz?= you can seize the initiative, personally}} {{threat dice=d3[[d3]][[d3]][[d3]] d4[[d4]][[d4]][[d4]] d6[[d6]][[d6]][[d6]] d8[[d8]][[d8]][[d8]] d10[[d10]][[d10]][[d10]] d12[[d12]][[d12]][[d12]] }} {{monsters losing? = Morale roll [[1t[monsterMorale]]] }}
Share good posts with good goblins.
Claytonian at the gmails.
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